A 7-year-old boy died after being hit by a motorbike at Mlimani junction along Turbo-Makutano road in Lugari sub county. Confirming the incident, Mautuma location chief Pamela Davava Kulali said the boy, Brandon Madahana was crossing the road before he was knocked by the speeding motorbike and sustained serious injuries. She said the boy was rescued and rushed to Mautuma sub county hospital in critical condition where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.
According to the Chief, the boy lived with her mother Emily Chepchirchir in Nandi County and he had visited his step mother at Mlimani Block A village in Mukuyu sub location before he met his death. “The deceased’s father Joel Madahana is a polygamist, he has one wife in Nandi County and another one here in Mautuma so the boy had visited his stepmother during this December holiday,” said Mrs. Kulali adding that the accident occurred at about 6:00pm on Friday. The motorbike rider Spencer Kitunga, who also sustained injuries, is admitted at the Mautuma sub county hospital.