Residents from Lufwindiri area Kilibot location near Mwomo at the border of Bungoma and Kakamega counties are urging the two counties led by Governor Kenneth Lusaka and Governor Wickliffe Oparanya respectively to put up a foot bridge that connects the two counties at the area.
Residents who have contributed money and donated wires and poles used to construct a temporary traditional local foot bridge that looks dangerous for the users which the locals call ‘Mfunje’ are now calling upon the leadership in the two counties to come up with a way of helping them even construct a foot bridge that is modern.
“We risk lives here, our children cross here while going to school to the other side and as you can see this temporary bridge in very weak made of sticks and wires, you can see the distance, the river is wide, but we are forced to use it because we lack alternative” said one resident.
The bridge maker who also maintains the temporary bridge Mr. Evans Wanjala said that he collects money from those who cross using the bridge because of the maintenance costs and the time he is around to take care of the emergencies that might occur.
“I take ten shilling an adult and five shilling children but it depends because for the students’ case I talk to their parents and guardians and deal with them personally,” he added.
He said the major challenge he faces is when other people don’t pay him claiming to have sick people in hospital hence crossing free, and sometimes people wait until when it is late and they cross for free, “some residents wait until when its late, then cross some when it is raining and I am not around they cross without paying” he said.
However he was quick to say he has never experienced any emergencies saying he repairs the bridge most oftenly.
He said traders also use the bridge to save on the costs saying people from Kakamega mostly come to Webuye during market days and accessing health centre in Bungoma county.