Police in many cases are known for enforcing order and other security related issues and at times known for taking bribes and even at one time Anti Corruption body put it among the most corrupt sectors but this is changing as some of the police officers are preaching the gospel of God to the public.
Residents at Dina junction in Webuye town were treated to thrilling music and word of God by the police officers who put aside their usual guns and preached the gospel which baffled many and in fact some residents thought that they were using the pulpit to find a way of arresting some of criminals and some people gave it a wide birth.
Deliverance church in Webuye town in conjunction with police officers held prayers together. Speaking to the press after delivering a powerful sermon police Constable who works in Malaba border in Busia county Mr. Griffin Mabonga said the event was a way of bringing people closer to police so that they can work together as a community.
“People should stop seeing us as bad people, we are also human being like any other and therefore we should not be feared but be treated like any other human being and the only way we could approach is preaching to them and associating them in our activities and today we decided to do it at Dina as it has for a long time known for bad things and am sure we have saved one soul and in fact when we reached here we started talking to some people just to create a friendly environment,” said Constable Mabonga.
He emphasized that it’s only through cooperation between citizens and police officers that could bring lasting solutions to the issues affecting the community as far as security is concerned and appealed to residents to treat police officers as brothers and sisters and be able to disclose anything that happens that could hinder peace and coexistence in the community.
” Through such interactions we have managed to get some people who volunteer to give information because they can trust us with their information and this information helps us to weed out criminals from the society and put them where they belong but again there are those we arrest but instead of putting them behind the bar we try to do guiding and counseling because you realize that some are petty offences and most have really changed especially where I work in Mabala border, we have transformed lives and that has kept me going, and as we speak I have more than five churches across Bungoma and Busia Counties, ” added Mr. Mabonga.
In balancing his job as a police officer and a pastor, Mabonga said, “We have a duty roster that we follow to the latter and in between we have also created a day mid week to preach to the police officers too so that they can be strengthened to continue working because sometimes the environment could prove to be tough but with the encouragement from the bible some have managed to work better than before, ” said Mabonga.
He however, applauded his seniors for allowing police officers who are pastors to go out and minister the word of God to the society because they realized that it can be the best and one way of changing some bad characters in the society.
Mr. Mabonga has however appealed to police officers to find ways of solving their problems instead of taking their lives adding that the rate of late is alarming.

On his part, Webuye Deliverance pastor Jackton Ongeri said the partnership is geared to improving the relationship between the police officers and the community for the sake of improving security by people being free to provide information to police officers knowing that it will be treated with confidence that it deserves.