Bungoma Deputy Governor Pst. Janepher Mbatiany has graced the celebrations for International Day for the Elderly organized by Bungoma County State Department for Social Protection at Kiwanja Ndege Grounds, Kanduyi, Bungoma.
In her address, Mbatiany urged the political leadership, officers of the National and County governments and other stakeholders to pull together on sensitizing the public on the need to value and cherish senior citizens and better their livelihood.
“The elderly are our responsibility. Remain patient and give all your respect to our beloved seniors; they have earned their dignity through their lifetimes. Help, support and care for the bodies of your elderly parents, because family is not only an important thing; it’s everything.” Said Mbatiany
The celebrations saw close to 500 older persons benefit from the free Medical Camp that was organized by the County Government of Bungoma.
The 2019 population and housing census put older persons, 60 years and above in Kenya at 2.7 million constituting 6% of the 48 million Kenyans. Of the older persons, 1.5 million are female and 1.2 million are male constituting 54.6% and 45.4 % respectively