Bungoma to invest in advanced farming tech.
Bungoma county Governor Kenneth Lusaka has said that his government will invest fully in advanced technology farming as one way of curbing hunger in the region.
Lusaka has promised to dedicate his efforts to fight hunger that has clang to residents of his county saying that he has given farming sector a priority to do away with unemployment among youths by buying new technology farm equipments to get good harvest.
“We are doing this because we want predictable results. If we have the right weather, soil is okay, fertilizer is there and we also have the drier for drying maize, one in Tongaren and the other in Kapsokwony. We have no reason not to harvest big.

“We have taken care of the whole value chain from production to end results, we should embrace technology to do away with hunger and unemployment.” said Lusaka.
Lusaka said this during the official launching of the government’s subsidized fertilizer distribution programme in Musese in Kabuchai constituency.
“Every farmer should be aware of the type of soil in their lands so that to know the type of fertilizer to use, the type of maize to plant and the type of other crops to plant in a particular time,” added Lusaka.
He also noted that for any government to move ahead it should have food security because if there is no food people will not be able to do anything.
Bungoma is the first county to purchase a mobile soil testing laboratory in the whole nation.
“We have a budget of buying 400 dairy animals, 150 has already been brought the remaining will be coming soon any time and shall be givne to the groups that missed.” He said.
“National government is going to give us 30 milk coolers that I know some will be brought here; we are also going to get milk processing plant in Kitinda that will process 1000 liters / hr that is a lot of milk,” the governor asserted.
The Bungoma governor also said that there is a poultry slaughter house that was begun in Chwele and it is almost complete urging residents to rear enough hens to feed the slaughter house.
“We have a poultry slaughter house here that I began when I was in the ministry of Livestock. I know that it has had many problems but very soon it will be ready, 90% is complete and we are now fixing the machines. It will be in operation and when ready it will slaughter 3000 hens in a day,” he noted.
Lusaka added on that due to the slaughter project the county government has set aside a budget of buying hens and distribute to its people therefore when the programme begins he urged the residents to take it seriously so as to keep the slaughter house going.