Residents of Mukavakava village in Matioli location, Malava Constituency, Kakamega County woke up to a bizarre incident where they found their neighbours cow had been chopped off the tail and genitals that were not found at the scene.
According to Peris Luvaka, a widow and the owner of the cow, she woke up as usual and upon checking on her cow found it dead, it’s genitals chopped off and missing.
She said the cow has been her only source of income and has enabled her meet school fees costs for her children.
“I have children in secondary school and this cow is my only source of income, I don’t even know where to start from,” explained Peris amid sobs
The locals said they have now resorted to prepare a cleansing ceremony in burying the cow to get hold of the culprit since the local administration and the police have failed in getting the perpetrators where crime has escalated in the area.
‘”It will not be business as usual, despite being a pastor from the PAG church, we shall bury the cow after cleansing it because the public says we keep praying but nothing happens.” Asserted Tuvaka.
The area chief Daniel Mulambula warned residents of engaging in such a vice promising to follow up the matter and bring perpetrators to book.