Education CS Prof. George Magoha has once again faulted the duplication of courses in universities in Kenya. Speaking during a higher education forum in Nairobi, the Education CS wondered why some courses are offered throughout most of the universities and some which are more suitable to the changing times aren’t addressed. “I’m not saying that Philosophy, Literature and any other field is not important but when you look at climate change, for example, is it real or not real? Why duplicate courses and yet after a period, you see people emaciated and cattle dying because there is no water?” he posed.
The Education CS has brought up the issue in different fora and has urged universities to address the conundrum, and he had noted that many youths finish school and simply wait for employment as a result. During the forum on Monday, he said the current state of the Mau Forest paints the true picture of what is ongoing, where trees have been cut down and it will lead to climate challenges. He also faulted the system of funding for universities, “We can’t have all universities exactly the same getting exactly the same funding.”