Education on the reality of losing an election is urgently required for those who participate in elections.
Ninety nine percent (99%) of the Election Petitions filed after the 8th August, 2017 General Elections are destined to be dismissed.
The reality is that most of the Petitions were filed as a knee jerk reaction by losers or persons sponsored by losers without any credible foundations but simply because politicians in Kenya have never learned to accept defeat.
The Petitioners were filed for face saving by the losers and who were emboldened when the Raila Odinga Presidential Petition succeeded. Most of them had fiction and imaginary grounds. No. substance to overturn an election.
The greatest civic education counseling required in the management of elections in Kenya is to do with educating, counseling all those who make the decision to contest an election that either one wins or one loses. No second round. No return match.
It is obvious most contestants in elections in Kenya and Africa in general think there is only one fair outcome and which is when they win. How stupid can they be? It is the height of hypocrisy for those who compete in elections to imagine that they can continue to bandy around the lie of election rigging even when they have out rightly lost. The tragedy is that those who lose by small margins believe they have won.
No, no, wining in an election is a win even if it is by one vote. We must grow up as prospective leaders and show by example that we are prepared to accept outcomes however unfavourable they are to us.
Election losers in Kenya suffer from denial of the truth right from the Presidency, Senate, Governor, Woman Representative Member of Parliament and Member of County Assembly.
The sooner the losers grow up the better for the governance of the country as the aftermath of elections will not drag on endlessly and the country gripped with anxiety as the losers breath fire about this or that unspecified consequences or doom for the country.
Elections ended in August 2017 and it is imperative those elected are left to lead and their performance evaluated so as to be re-elected or dumped in 2022.
Maybe prohibitive costs on election petition losers will also discourage the trend of losers using courts as their soft landing into accepting defeat by yet again claiming the courts are also unfair or corrupt.