The 40 million plus Kenyan citizens must refuse to continue being fooled, hoodwinked, seduced, lulled by sweet talking elected politicians, public servants at both National and County level about both the elected leaders and the public servants delivering development to the electorate.
Yes, Kenya’s annual budget of Kshs 3 trillion plus is being squandered, plundered, eaten by about two million of Kenyans entrusted as elected leaders and public servants to serve the 40 million plus of us. Yes, they steal over 60% of the national budget which translates to over Kshs 1.8 trillion as recurrent expenditure used to pamper themselves in salaries, limitless allowances, travel allowances, sitting allowances, per diem, name them and also to their office comforts in teas, snacks, airtime, to luxury transport in fuel guzzling vehicles, travelling in first class in air travel and all manner of other recurrent expenditures.
The 30% or so of the budget left for development is yet again subjected to corruption, inefficiencies at the pleasure of the public servants. We can amend our Constitution 100 times but unless and until we address the gross inequities, absurdity, stupidity, madness prevailing in Kenya where less than 15% of the population called elected leaders eat up 70% of the national budget on recurrent expenditure, we will not as the majority of citizens rise out of poverty, deprivation, want, disease, ignorance and hopelessness.
Yes, Africa may be doomed to remain the “shithole” President Donald Trump sarcastically referred to unless and until we address the warped governance matrix where 15% of the population appropriate the national budget for their comfort and the rest of the 85% have to wait hopelessly for a miracle to change their condition.
The docility, the humility, the insanity by the 85% of Kenyans expecting change in their socio-economic status in this outrageous set up is like committing suicide. The same beneficiaries of this stupid set up are the ones talking of being saviours of the victims of their plunder, what a cruel joke, a paradox.
The electorate must refuse being suckers to the politicians tales, stories of bringers of development. Can the electorate wake up from their slumber of that started with their parents at independence and look at reality in the face, that the political game plan, the public service governance set up at National Government and County level is their curse, the root of their under development and unless re-engineered they be prepared to swim, stew in its insidious output of poverty, ignorance and disease.
Debunk the so called development myth and fight to re-engineer a Kenya where 70% of its budget goes to development and not now where 30% of its budget goes to development and 70% to the fat cats called elected leaders and public servants.