Education, commitment, support and focus are some of the key aspects that should be put in place to ensure women are empowered in the society.
Speaking Live on West FM during Usemi Wa Kina Mama Programme, Mrs. Monica Salano Fedha attested that education is one of the best equalizers that can empower a woman and make her achieve big strides in life.
Born and raised in Lungai village, Tongaren Constituency of Bungoma County, Mrs. Fedha attended Lungai primary school where she did CPE exam and proceeded to Kaimosi High School for O- level education. She later joined Butere Girls High School for her A-level where she passed.
She later joined Egerton University where she studied Agriculture before landing a job at her home school. While at Lukhuna Secondary School, she taught Mathematics before getting employed by the Public Service where she worked for 11 years. She later joined politics.
She says as a woman the support she received from her family and the people around her led to her breakthrough. She added that her focus and commitment towards her course in life made her dreams come into reality.
She noted that women in society currently are embraced and supported by men, citing a good example in her Agriculture Ministry where she gets maximum support by other employees making her work easier.
Being in charge of the Agriculture docket in Bungoma County, she has proved that no human is limited after her docket was ranked second by Info Track in 2018. She said this year her docket was ranked position five saying that she still had room for improvement.
She says with the government, there are procedures and processes that make everything right and they are guided by the CIDP, budget and work plan documents to make it a success.
She urged men and women to exercise team work to enable everyone to shine in their respective dockets. She added that women leaders need opinion shapers, church members and other stakeholders to dearly hold their hands to help them achieve their dreams.
She encouraged women to embrace profitable farming culture, being also the backbone of the country.
She said that the national government through the Ministry of Agriculture has got a programme to ensure the ward selects 500 families to receive free fertilizer as a way of boosting farming to realize food security.
She said other programmes set up by the government is the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP), the World Bank support programme where farmers are taught suitable agricultural practices, train farmers and also link them to Microfinance organizations.
She also did mention agricultural extension officers who visit and train farmers on farm record management, doing farming as business and also giving grants to registered groups to boost their livelihoods.