Nandi governor Stephen Sang has released a report on county pending bills to the public revealing that the funds carried forward from financial year 2016/2017 to 2017/2018 by the county government of Nandi was kshs 759,114,471.
This is per the annexed certificate of bank balance dated 24th July 2017 which is made of kshs 142 Billion being conditional grants(road maintenance levy fund(RMLF) and tea levy/advalorem) and the balance of kshs 617,114,471 being the amount available to settle properly audited pending bills.
The report indicated that bills submitted to public amounted to kshs 1,324,620,581 representing 656 projects and the same has been analysed by the taskforce and broken down as follows:
Double claims kshs 210,084,425(66) projects.
Claims for non-existing projects kshs 21,201,922(6) projects
Unsatisfactory claims kshs 676,848,014(330) projects
Claims that need further verification kshs 416,486,220 (254) projects.
The report indicates that 12 companies had been paid yet they made claims amounting to kshs 210,084,425 which becomes asubject of forensic investigation and amount paid is kshs 799,735.35.
The report further shows that a total of 18 companies were paid but project incomplete amounting to sub-total of kshs 13,520,064.7 and kshs 30,003,591 amount paid yet claimed by different companies.
There was an irregular double payments with unclear descriptions to 12 companies and payments without clear description sub total to kshs 44,879,992.
Moreover,the report indicates that atotal of kshs 676,848,014 in claims were made by companies yet there were no proper documentation.
The following documentation were not produced by contractors:
Letter of award, letter of acceptance, commencement of works, statement of account in case of civil works and joint measurement incase of roads.
It was found out that anumber of companies ie Four of them produced proper documents and there was evidence of work done though not to the expected standard but there is no further payment recommented.
As away forward a total of 12 top staff members from finance and procurement dockets were interdicted to pave way for thorough investigations. Also the task force report on county pending bills will be submitted to county Assembly for consideration and possible allocation of budget to settle the pending bills which shall be approved as legitimate.