Few days after West Media highlighted the plight of residents who live near Makemo dam, Ndivisi ward MCA Martin Pepela Wanyonyi has come to their aid and urged them to be patient as he will be looking for ways to put up a long term solution.
Addressing Baharini village residents as he toured the dam, the area MCA stated that together with his friends they will be putting up a temporal solution as he waits for finance in the next financial year to enable him put up a long term solution.
“You cried about this dam, even you went up to the media and that was your right, I was outside the county and was called by residents from this area but I told them that I was not within and promised that once I get back I must visit this area and that is why when I have travelled back my first stop has been here, therefore I have come to offer a temporal solution, my friends and I are going to look for culverts and install here so that residents can access medication from the hospital across, can access the market and our children can go to school,” said Wanyonyi
However, he condemned leaders who are fond of promising residents to get a solution but end up not fulfilling.

“We have leaders who make false promises to you therefore; in the next month’s budget I am going to allocate Kshs. 5m or 6m according to how an engineer will advise us so that a bridge is built to improve transport,” he affirmed
Baharini village residents had threatened to break the banks and allow water out of the dam if their grievances won’t be heard.