The government will turn attention to data clean up after the mass Huduma Namba registration exercise ends on Saturday, May 25th and some Kenyans may be required to register afresh, according to government spokesman Cyrus Oguna. Speaking to the press on Thursday, he said there will be no more extension, and that Kenyans should take advantage of this window to register. He said so far, more than 36 million Kenyans have registered.
The cleaning up of data will enable the state to rectify any errors and information captured wrongfully, and that for those whose data would be required again due to errors, they’ll be communicated to and they’ll register afresh. “You might have registered but in the process of cleaning data you’re found to have given wrong data…you’ll be communicated to and will be required to register afresh.”
He said registration will continue after the mass registration deadline and will be done at the assistant chief’s place. However, he said the assistant chief may be held up in other tasks and won’t prioritize the Huduma Namba issue.
On the issue of the Competence Based Curriculum, Oguna denied claims that there hasn’t been sufficient teacher preparation and public participation. He said the CBC couldn’t have been rolled out without sufficient public participation, “The lengthy process began way back, about five years ago,” he said, adding that stakeholders were involved. He added that the need for participation is an ongoing process and that the idea around the CBC is to have a curriculum that will be able to teach children the necessary skills that will enable them to be marketable within the job market.
He said that the preparation of teachers is also an ongoing process and that the Ministry of Education has been preparing to have another CBC training session for teachers in August, “As of now over 1900 teachers have specifically been trained on CBC,” he noted. In light of continued opposition from the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) towards the new curriculum, Oguna said no teacher required to implement the CBC lacks the basic and necessary skills required, and that the government is only reorienting the skills they already have.