Sirisia Sub County residents have been urged to invest their money in Co-operative Sacco’s to boost their lives economically.
Speaking in Namwela during cherry payment, Kikai Rural Sacco Director Mr. Justus Wafula said people are facing tough economic constraints especially during this Covid-19 period due to lack of investment.
“So many people have been visiting our offices asking for help and they are not even our members, so I’m urging our people to embrace a saving habit as the only way to come out of poverty” said Mr. Wafula.
He added that a part from banking services they have also come up with a way of increasing their income by starting farming projects to earn more dividends.
Wafula however appealed to the County government of Bungoma through the ministry of Trade to set aside funds in its budget that will be given to Sacco’s at a low interest to boost their businesses.