State House digital strategist Dennis Itumbi has been released on a cash bail of Kshs 100,000 after he was arrested in connection with the probe on the fake Deputy President William Ruto assassination letter. The claims of Ruto’s assassination caused a storm and investigations done by local and foreign investigators narrowed down on the possibility of the claims being fabricated. Itumbi was arrested last week on Wednesday at City Hall, Nairobi and he was taken to the DCI offices for questioning, it was further revealed that he would spend five more days in police custody as investigations continued, including a probe on a Whatsapp Group that has MPs and other leaders, 256 in number.
On Wednesday, Itumbi was presented at the Milimani Law Courts, and magistrate Zainab Abdul said he has to report once in two days excluding weekends for the next nine days at the Muthaiga police station at convenient times to be agreed with the investigating officers. Itumbi’s mobile phone and sim card are also to be released at the lapse of 14 days from today, and the matter is to be mentioned before the court on the 22nd of July. He was ordered to submit his passport to the court and to desist from posting anything related to the case on social media. The magistrate declined the prosecution’s request to have him detained for nine more days.