Speaking to journalists in his office, Kipkemboi said the water shortage in the region, has now hit a period of one consecutive week without any solution from the government citing that the situation has paralyzed business activities within town thus wants the Kapsabet Nandi Water and Sanitation Company(KANAWASCO) to up their game and fix the problem once or face the consequences.
He decried the persistent shortage of water in the region despite residents regularly paying their water bills saying there must be a hide and seek game being played by the water authorities in Nandi thus demanding answers.
The MCA has given out an altimutum of one week to the Kapsabet Nandi Water and Sanitation Company to ensure residents get water, failure to meet that will lead to demonstrations to fight for their rights.
“It is very disgusting that residents could not get access to water during this period of Covid-19 pandemic which requires serious hygienic cleanliness of regular hand washing,” he said angrily.
The residents and the business community are now relying on water from vendors being ferried by donkeys which is not safe for drinking, a situation which is risking their lives more due to possible cause of waterborne diseases like typhoid and others.