Bungoma County Kenya National Union of Post Primary Education KUPPET branch has faulted the Teachers Service Commission over starting an online teaching plan that gives learners access to education saying it is not practical.
Bungoma branch Chairman David Barasa says some schools are in the remote areas hence don’t have virtual equipment that can help them access education online saying the commission should instead focus on employing more teachers.
Mr. Barasa added that teachers need to have a one on one interaction with learners while teaching, saying he cannot have control over the students in an online session.
He further poked holes in the Competency Based Curriculum that is being implemented in the country saying it has created more challenges more so to parents.
“Most of the assignments are being imposed on parents through the children and being of different generations they cannot help them execute the assignments well,” he said
He called upon the government to devise a way of ensuring the implementation of the curriculum is done in a manner that will not be of a disadvantage to one stakeholder.