Lack of education on devolution hinder service delivery
It is less than one year and a half to the next General Elections yet majority of Kenyans still do not understand the devolved functions and the structure of governance at their respective counties.
Speaking during the civic education at Chebukwa catholic church in Kabuchai constituency, Kabuchai sub county administrator Mrs. Violet Nafula, said many people still do not understand what devolution is all about as much the county is trying to play its part.
She said the county government is doing its best to make the concept of devolution understood by many by spearheading a civic education on devolution and public finance Management as it is stipulated in Kenya constitution 2010.
“A lot more education though need to be done to our people especially those people who is in the interior and dark world to make sure they really understand what devolution is all about, the role of the devolved system of government and its importance.” She said.
The fact that many function were devolved and services brought closer to the people, governors are finding it hard to manage the counties.
She said the lack of civic education on devolution has disappointed many Kenyans because according to them the governors are not doing what they expected from them.
“With much that the county has done like ours here in terms of education in ECD, polytechniques, recently on agriculture, roads and many other some people in Bungoma County do not understand what is devolution is all about.” Mrs. Wafula added.
She said for a period of long time, Kenyans have had little participation in matters of national importance. Some decisions have always been made at the government level with Kenyans having little knowledge of what is happening.
She used the opportunity to urge the members of the public to be good ambassadors in spreading the gospel on devolution to reach more people in the county.
Her sentiment were supported by Bukembe east ward administrator and his Marakaru Tutii counterpart Constant Masika they said many people have failed to differentiate the work of the chiefs the assistant county commissioners with that of a member of county assembly, what the ward administrator should to them and the sub county administrators.
They said the county governments have helped to promote equity and participation.
They added that citizens should understand that county governments will be responsible for making decisions in many important areas.
These include agriculture, basic health services and facilities, county roads, water services, county planning, early childhood education and local tourism.
“And all these will be responsibilities of county governments under the leadership of county governors.” They said.
Sang’alo east ward administrator Cleophus Mwami said the inclusion of civic education article in the Kenya constitution 2010 gives the Kenyan people the mandatory to be part and parcel of any decision making.
He said resources have always been managed at the national level with some areas having bigger chunks of the national cake than others but with the new dispensation every county has its own say on resources.
Many of the participants that we spoke to urged the county government to continue with the exercise to enhance more knowledge to its people in regard to the devolution structures.