Residents of Lumama village in Lugari location and Baharini village in Lumakanda location Lugari sub county are living in fear following an invasion by monkeys that are causing destruction on their farms and homesteads.
Led by Stephen Situma and Herbert Lwigado, residents lamented that hundreds of the stubborn animals has migrated from Lugari forest and camped on the banks of river Lumakanda which separates the two locations where they plan and execute their attacks.
They said apart from threatening farming activities by destroying crops on their farms, the animals also sneak into their houses and eat whatever edible stuff they come across.
Phanice Wangila said the animals were so daring claiming that she was chased by a group of the rogue monkeys while going to fetch water from a nearby spring. “If you dare leave your door or windows open you find the moneys have taken over the house. They have on several occasions broken into my house where they stole food and left a trail of destruction and attempted to snatch a baby from me,” said Ms Wangila.
Priscah Muswanyi said despite destroying raw pumpkins on her farm, the monkey also entered her kitchen and stole the meal she had prepared for her family.
“It is strange to see monkeys feeding on pumpkin, they have destroyed crops on the farms and have started breaking into our houses in search of food,” claimed Mrs. Muswanyi.
Mr. Situma said one of the monkeys snatched food from an elderly woman who was having lunch outside her house and ran away with it.
Mr. Ligwado regretted that his farm, like many others have been rendered bare by the monkeys.
He indicated that his two-acre farm would give him a bumper harvest but with the invasion of the animals, he will be lucky to harvest anything from the farm.
So far, the villagers have forbidden little children from playing unattended for fear they would be attacked by the creatures.
They have now appealed to the relevant government body to assist in
chasing the animals away before the human-wildlife conflict gets out of
hand threatening to kill them if no step is taken. “We can’t allow the monkeys to make us beggars when we can produce enough food for ourselves, we will kill them if they are not removed from here ,” said Lwigado