Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka has announced that his administration will support the creation of multi cultural centers in the County to uphold the rich culture.
“Let us trace back to our roots, uphold our culture that binds us together. Embrace the beauty of our diversity.” Said Lusaka
He emphasized on the need to document the historic occurrences as a way of educating the generations to come.
“Our children and offspring have a right to know of the existence of the County’s unique features and personalities. Such can go into monuments,” he stated.
Lusaka defined his commitment and cooperation through the Department of Gender, Culture, Youth and Sports to ensure all communities are empowered economically, socially and politically.

The Governor further urged communities to walk in the path of unity and support the current leadership in the journey to service delivery.
“The support you accord our leadership will propel us to greater heights of success.” He added
He spoke while meeting the Tachoni Community delegation led by Mihuu MCA Violet Makhanu.
The meeting was attended by CECMs; Dr. David Wamamili (Education), Eng. Agnes Wachiye (Gender and Culture), Hon. Metrine Nangalama (Nominated MCA), Prof. Iyaya Wanjala, Senior County officials among others.