War against malaria, the leading killer disease in Western Kenya is hampered by communities who use mosquito nets distributed by the Government for fishing and protection of kitchen gardens.
A survey done by West Fm revealed that communities in the lower parts of the region in Busia uses the nets as fishing gears while others spread them round their kitchen gardens to prevent chicken from destroying the crops.

The misuse of the nets is curtailing efforts by the Government to reduce deaths from malaria in this region.
However, concerned ministries are working hand in hand with the regional administration to enhance proper use of nets and sensitize the communities on the need to seek early malaria treatment.
Traditional beliefs, sects and some churches in the province that stop patients from seeking medical treatment are derailing the fight against malaria.
By the time the malaria patients go for treatment, the condition is ever unmanageable resulting to death.
Malaria has been said to be the leading killer disease in the region.
Research has it that Out of every 1,000 live births in the region, 121 children die from malaria accounting for 30 percent of the deaths in the region.
Ninety percent of the region is prone to malaria.

Former Director of public health in Kakamega Quinto Ahindukha said Mount Elgon districts were epidemic areas.
He said the government had initiated high impact intervention measures among them free distribution of insect treated bed nets and vector control through spraying, free malaria treatment for the under-five.
This, he said, had reduced the number of outpatients seeking malaria treatment from fifty to thirty percent.
This and last year the government scaled up the distribution of nets to ensure that two members per household get treated mosquito nets.