A man was sentenced to death on Thursday 23th at Bungoma High court after he was found guilty of killing a woman and her three daughters on the night of 15th April 2014.
The court was told that Rasto Wanyama Masinde alias David Alukoye Chesoli aged 34, slashed to death Agneta Imbaya and her daughters Cynthia, Hilda and Jacinta at Wekelekha village in Kanduyi constituency.
Presiding over the case, the high court Judge Abida Ali Aroni said that she was satisfied with the evidence produced in court which showed that Masinde was the main suspect during the murder on the nights of the deceased persons.
“This court is satisfied that after the medical checkup you are fit to stand trial and from the produced evidence and your own mitigation you murdered the diseased persons and I therefore sentence you to death,” she said.
Mr. Masinde who had earlier on asked the court not to carry out any examination concerning his mental status but instead proceed to sentencing him to death since he got saved after his arrest and his stay in prison and was ready for the human judgment.

However, the court ordered for his mental checkup, the doctor’s report showed that Mr. Masinde was mentally fit to stand the trial hence making the judge to convict him of murder.
He however caused drama in the court by admitting that he killed the three and that he was ready to be sentenced to death as God had already forgiven him.
“Your honour, I know I slashed the diseased persons alone, even my co – accused who are here in court were mistakenly arrested for no apparent reason, let them be freed, I am saved and ready for any sentence because I have been forgiven by God, you can go ahead and place a death sentence on me because I deserve to die,” he said
However, the hearing of the other four suspects believed to be Masinde’s accomplices, George Nabikoto, Edwin Wanjala, Rodgers Okoto and Peter Oriri will continue on 23rd May 2016 and judgment be issued after the reports from the witnesses.