Chief Justice David Maraga has lauded the police force for the performing their duties admirably so far. Speaking during the swearing in of Deputies Inspector General Njoroge Mbugua and Noor Gabow on Thursday, CJ Maraga said the police have a critical function to perform, “The police service, in general, perform a very critical function and role in our country of maintaining order, protecting Kenyans and their property and making sure everything runs smoothly,” he said. He urged them to maintain discipline and professionalism in their line of duty.
However, he said the police bosses should ensure the welfare issues that are still a problem in the police force should be dealt with, “I want to wish you well in your work so that you serve the force and ensure police officers from the lowest to the highest rank are motivated so that they perform their duties according to the law,” he said. Chief Justice Maraga further noted that relations between the police force and citizens have improved in some areas, to the point that police are getting information from members of the public about crime, “It can only be like that when the public has confidence in you,” he said.
National Police Service Commission chairperson Johnston Kavuludi welcomed the new Deputy Inspectors, as they prepare to start their new tasks. He noted that sometimes Inspector Generals and the deputies find it hard to transform themselves from being the head of the police service to performing human capital functions.