The Department of Public Health in Kakamega County has closed Matete slaughterhouse for failing to meet public health requirements. According to the County Chief Public Officer in charge of Public Health Enforcement Mr. James Ndaraiya Wachuga the slaughterhouse was a health hazard and was operating in contravention to the Food drugs and chemical substances Act (Food hygiene regulations 16 (ib) CAP 254)
He said his department first issued a notice to the slaughterhouse management on 18/09/2017 requiring it to ensure that the facility had a provision of two door pit latrines, wholesome running water, condemnation pit, meat inspection table, proper drainage system, repair the chipped floor, provision of chain link fence and composite pit but no action was taken.
He added that a second notice was issued on 20/11/2018 but still the management ignored it and has continued offering services at the facility against the law thus endangering lives of hundreds of residents who consumes meat slaughtered at the facility.

The officer said failure to comply with the notices issued before has prompted his department to close the slaughterhouse with effect from 25th September 2019 disclosing that failure to observe the closure notice a legal action will be institute.
“Take note that failure to comply with this closure notice, legal proceeding will be instituted against you. The slaughterhouse remain closed until you comply with all public health requirements to the satisfaction of public health department,” said Wachuga.
West Media has established that between 5–10 cows are slaughtered at the facility daily and its closure means that butcher owners will be forced to seek services from Webuye in the neighbouring Bungoma County, a move that may impact negatively on Kakamega County in terms of revenue collection.