Matunda Salvation Army mixed day Secondary school in Likuyani sub county posted a sterling performance in this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). According to the school principal Mrs. Mary Manyonge, top two candidates in the school garnered A- grades.
The school posted a positive deviation of 0.1 after managing a mean of 6.3974 compared to the 6.2 registered the previous year. The Principal thanked this year’s class of candidates for overcoming many challenges usually associated with day and mixed schools by registering encouraging results compared to boarding schools in the sub county.
Matunda Salvation Army Secondary is priding itself for being the only school from Likuyani sub county to have the highest number of students who achieved university grades. According to Mrs Manyonge, 65 students out of the 151 who sat their exams in the school scored C+ and above. The school managed 2 A-, 14 B+, 17 B, 17 B-, 15 C+, 24 C, 30 C-, 19 D+ and 13 D.
The Principal promised parents that with help from them, the school will keep posting good grades in subsequent exams. At the same time Mrs. Manyonge urged parents to stop scrambling for places in boarding secondary schools while ignoring day schools.
She chided the tendency and reiterated that a majority of day schools had equal capacity to compete favorably with established boarding schools. “Matunda SA is the best example which every year registers the highest number of candidates in the sub county and has been able to record exemplary performance in the KCSE examinations for eight years running yet it’s a day school,” she said.
She said her school had managed to send a large number of her students to public universities in the entire sub county. “Boarding schools pick the best students in KCPE and leave us with average and below par students but all the same we manage to play our role well and they end up performing in national examinations,” she added.