Recent research findings show that some men change their behaviors when they get wealthy, and it’s not always a good change. Such men who change behaviour after amassing wealth are known to be down to earth even before they get wealth, but the situation changes later on, and they forget their responsibilities and priorities.
A woman can be married for some time to a man whom she thinks can make the best partner for her life. These men are supportive, humble, and ambitious when poor but later the woman learns that it is just a cover up for the man’s inadequacies.
Later these men become drunkards forgetting that ladies hate that. A drunkard man could prefer spending his money on alcoholic drinks and other ladies.
One of the promises a man tells his girlfriend is that he will never put anyone else above her. No women can bear the pain if she realizes her partner is sleeping around with other women. A man who cannot settle with a single lady cannot bring up a family.
Research also shows that such men are arrogant and selfish. They shout at their women and no woman likes to be shouted, beaten, or physically harassed. Hot tempered men are very rough and make their women suffer.
In relation to women and how they relate to money, research shows that this is not an indication that such ladies are totally in a financial mess but they would not date someone who is financially insecure. As they evaluate life partners based on their financial health quotient, most of them are financially healthy.
Who would you marry; the guy who is financially stable or the guy in a financial mess? Women obviously will go for men who are financially stable.
Women are motivated by money and they feel secure in an environment where there is money. Nowadays women think of big houses and living in a good neighborhood.
Important issues like money and debt will impact the kind of life people live with their spouse. Some women set standards for potential partners all time like dating men who are very rich and they cannot wait for those who claim to be saving for a better life.