Against the backdrop of changes in environmental issues due to human activities, Moi DEB primary school commonly known as commonwealth school in Kanduyi constituency of Bungoma County has embarked on an environmental management journey that they say will help conserve the environment.
Previously, the school had an open ground that had no grass planted on but after the Bungoma County government helped drill water in the school it was an opportunity for the school through the CBC program to start cultivations.
Ledicia Oduor the grade eight coordinator in the school said in line with the Competency Based Curriculum they have been able to offer a leading role to the pupils saying as teachers they have been able to fully participate in turning the school green.
She added that they have also planted fruit trees as well as vegetables using modern technology saying it will help the pupils learn under a conducive environment.
The school head Kelvin Wanyama applauded the efforts of the County leaders that include the MCA Jeremiah Kuloba, MP John Makali, Senator Wafula Wakoli and national assembly speaker Moses Wetangula for the efforts they have put in place to see the school transform saying with a population of 4000 pupils it is depended on by many in the vicinity.
He said with ongoing construction of a storey building, on completion it will help ease congestion in other classes.
In the spirit of democracy the school also held an election of pupil leaders who took an oath of office during an exercise that was witnessed by fellow pupils and teachers.
The school head girl Mitchelle Angela and the head Boy Modecai Ngeri promised to offer good leadership to fellow pupils saying their aim is to offer a good environment for learning.
Caleb Luvonga a teacher in charge of the exercise said it was well coordinated saying the pupils are content with the leadership in place and it was meant to guide them on the importance of electing good leaders.