Busia Catholic Church priest has decried the rising number of unemployed ‘go-getter’ youths in the country saying the situation is caused by economic difficulties facing ‘Wananchi’. Father Maurice Langiri of the Mundika Catholic Church in Busia County said the number of hustlers has outnumbered that of thieves, thus the need for concern.
Speaking during a mass attended by Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong and Deputy Governor Kizito Wangalwa, Fr. Langiri wondered why Kenya was ranked third in the world in corruption.
“Corruption, tribalism, and nepotism continue to take centre stage in the country with citizens resorting to hustling while those in authority continue to engage in dubious deals,” he said.
Ojaamong said the culture of dangling carrots and wooing politicians with kickbacks by the national government is a bad vice and it needs special prayers from churches. “Even if some of you are bought with goodies to mortgage your communities, God is with us. What you get from such machinations will help you and a few of your cronies while the majority will remain in abject poverty,” he said.
“We are peaceful in Busia and working closely with churches. Busia is a cosmopolitan County where citizens should live in harmony without being divided along ethnic lines,” he said.
The Governor pledged to deliver a new public address system to the church next Sunday, saying the one that is currently in use is old fashioned. Fr. Langiri appealed to the Governor to avail a mass light source to Mundika Complex which he said houses five institutions including a special school.