Nandi security team sensitized on Nyumba Kumi
The Government officials and the security team at large serving in various security departments in Nandi have been taken through a sensitization on an effective policing strategy that is ‘Nyumba Kumi Initiative’ duped “Usalama wa msingi” to have knowledge on how it works.
The sensitization was conducted by a team of experts from the National committee on citizen participation led by Mr. Ibrahim Duale whom mentioned that the purpose for the sensitization is to make everyone get the message on how the policy works as it is not a new concept in Kenya.

Duale said the Community policing was officially launched by the National government in April 2005 and the implementation has faced a number of challenges that the Nyumba Kumi initiative intends to address thus the public/citizens must be allowed to participate in securing themselves.
“The global and regional security environment continues to experience dynamic challenges and opportunities that call for new approaches thus the country is a adopting a policing strategy that entrenches community participation by empowering the citizen in National security issues.” He said.
There were various facilitators who took them through a range of topics concerning the Nyumba Kumi initiative for a better understanding.
The topics taught included: the definitions, legal frame work, focus of the initiative and the general principles of the community policing amongst many other topics.
Security is a shared mandate of all people living in Kenya and the first rule of security is vigilance that is we must all embrace Nyumba Kumi.