NASA has suspended the People’s Assembly process following the meeting between President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga on Friday last week. Addressing the press on Monday at Okoa Kenya offices in Nairobi, NASA strategist David Ndii said the People’s Assembly organizing committee supports the initiative by the two leaders, “The two leaders have asked us to give them support to spearhead this process and we have accepted,” he said.
Ndii said the Memorandum of Understanding between President Kenyatta and Raila doesn’t point to a done deal but its a statement of intent, “The memorandum is an initiative of the two leaders in individual capacities, as noted, they don’t acknowledge themselves as leaders or head of political outfits but as friends and compatriots,” said the NASA strategist. However, he lauded the decision by the two leaders to meet and discuss the way forward, saying that they acknowledged the crisis facing the nation is a political crisis. “It’s the first time in history that the country’s leadership has acknowledged the existence of tribalism problems,” he said, “Our political formations are ethnic formations, and our politics is patently tribal.”
The NASA leader said the meeting was a coming together of minds to chart the way forward for the nation, “This is a fundamental issue and acknowledging the problem is the first step,” said Ndii, adding that peace and unity building can only be done as a community, not as a government, state or socio-economic interest gropups, but by the involvement of every community in Kenya.