Over 300 people with disability in Vihiga county are set to benefit from free wheelchairs and crutches that have been donated by National Council for people with disability.
According to Vihiga County council’s coordinator Francis Makwata, the equipments will improve their living standards and ease movement.
He said the council has provided 200 wheelchairs and 15 crutches to physically challenged persons in the county.
“The council is geared towards improving the conditions of the physically challenged persons by providing necessary resources for their upkeep,” said Makwata.

He added that a pair of crutches goes for 3,800 Kenyan shillings while that of a wheelchair is 16,000 shillings which most people with disability find hard to afford.
Makwata appealed to the residents to apply for the free equipments and join self help groups to attract more funding from the council and other Non Governmental Organizations.
He noted that the physically challenged children will be able to attend school regularly to improve their performance and enrollment rate.
Makwata also raised concern of negligence among parents who are unable to take care of their physically challenged children and who end up abandoning and discriminating them.
The coordinator who was speaking during the issuance of equipments to the beneficiary in his office called on the county government and well wishers to chip in and fund the kitty.
He added that next week self help groups will be issued with funds to venture in various businesses as a source of income.
Naomi Mandela, one of the beneficiary said the wheelchair will help her in educating her children and provide for her family by doing business freely from one place to the other.
“I am very happy to get this wheelchair. I will be able to traverse this area looking for favorable market,” said Mandela a business lady.