The Kenya National Private Security Union has supported the new law by the government to allow private security guards to make arrests and carry guns for their safety purposes and has encouraged its workers to comply with the law and undergo vetting process for the issuing of the guns. The Union’s secretary-general Isaac Andabwa has urged the government to provide insurance to the security officers.
He accused government officers of not paying the minimum required wage and urged the government to review the salary of security workers, proposing for a minimum wage at at least Kshs 15,000.
The Private Security Regulatory Authority CEO Mr Fazul Mohammed had already engaged stakeholders in a four-day meeting at the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi, where they discussed the issues of non-compliance with the minimum government wage requirement among other issues. Ministry of Labour representatives, Ministry of Interior representatives among others were present. They resolved to the adherence to the minimum wage requirements and other regulations.
Written by Ian Madiavale