Chiefs and their assistants in Vihiga County yesterday received 25 motorcycles from the government in a bid to boost security and arrest illicit brewers in the area. County commissioner Okello Apollo, who issued the bikes, said it would ease their movement and improve security in their area of work. “The bikes should be used to reach all areas of your jurisdiction to nub culprits and improve security,” said Apollo.
He cautioned the administrators against misusing the bikes and said they are meant to improve service delivery to the locals. “These are government property that should be maintained and used for their intended purposes,” said Apollo.
He added that a check unit and work ticket has been issued to the administrators to ensure proper use of the newly procured motorbikes. Okello also applauded the chiefs and their assistants for their concerted efforts in fighting second generation liquor. “The government has committed itself to improving the safety of Kenyans by increasing police patrols and through the use of community policing to nab criminals,” added Okello.
The county commissioner was speaking while issuing the motorbikes at county headquarters in Mbale town. The government has in the past issued police agencies and the administrators countrywide with vehicles to boost patrols in the wake of deadly attacks.