Nominated Senator, Daisy Kanainza, has warned Jubilee government against resorting to what she describes as dictatorial tactics in order to silence the opposition over the Euro Bond saga.
Speaking in Likuyani constituency, Kanainza accused the jubilee administration of failing to procedurally and adequately tackle runaway corruption by taking stern measures against individuals whose names have already been adversely mentioned in various mega scandals.

“Instead of tackling corruption head-on, the Jubilee government has taken recourse and strange solace in harassing and intimidating whistleblowers,” observed Kanainza, adding majority of Kenyans were increasingly growing impatient over the government’s inertia in the anti-graft campaign.
The youthful Senator scoffed the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) recent summon, requiring Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) Co-Principal, Raila Odinga, to appear before it and explain what he knew about the Euro Bond.
“The anti-graft body should not be reminded that the opposition leader, just like any other citizen, has a constitutional and democratic right to criticize the establishment, especially on outright misuse of public funds by public and state officers,” added the youthful senator.
Citing National Youth Service (NYS) corruption scandal in which Odinga was the first to blow the whistle, Kanainza asked the ruling coalition to stop intimidating him, adding by doing so he was publicly displaying his panic over hidden scam on the Euro Bond, “hence signaling to Kenyans that there is more to it than meets the eye and ear,” she added.
“By demanding arrest of Odinga, the Jubilee government was taking us back to the darker olden days of dictatorship and repression,” said Kanainza who urged President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, to accept and be ready to be criticized by the opposition.