As the process of aspirants vying for different seats continue submitting their documents to the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission IEBC so that they get cleared ready to vie for the August General Elections, politicians and Kenyans have been urged to maintain peace.
Speaking after being cleared at Matisi IEBC offices in Webuye West Constituency, Engineer Noah Muyundo an independent candidate vying for Sitikho ward seat urged his fellow aspirants to conduct peaceful campaigns as he assured Sitikho ward residents that he will be on the ballot after he was cleared by IEBC.

He appreciated IEBC the way they are conducting the clearance process as he advised his supporters not to cause chaos in functions but embrace peace until 9th August where there shall be a winner and urged other candidates to accept IEBC results.
Sarah Juma who is vying for Bokoli ward seat on UDP party, urged politicians not to use youths to cause chaos in functions but do peaceful campaigns in preparation to the August polls.

Webuye West IEBC Co-ordinator Peris Cheruto told candidates on the importance of peace before, during and after elections.