Sitikho ward residents have been assured of clean water for domestic use, in schools, technical institutes and health centres. According to Renson Makheti, Bungoma Environment, Water, and Tourism CEC, the project that will cost the County government between Kshs 18 million to Kshs 20 million will be complete in three months time.
“I would like to inform residents that the water project that we began three months ago is 45% complete and will cost the County between Kshs 18 million to Kshs 20 million, this water is from Mbomele spring. We have also began another water project that will use the Solar Pumping System, therefore, residents will not be required to pay for electricity,” stated Makheti.
He added that water tanks will be erected along the road and will help in the supply of water in schools and markets in the area. “We shall have water tanks along the road that will supply water in Kuywa Vocational Training Centre, Sitikho Dispensary and Mwembula primary,” he added.
“The spring in Sitikho area will help to supply water to Bukholi market, police station, Khalala dispensary, Khalala market and Mukite primary school,” he said.
He named Sitikho Friends Secondary School students as great beneficiaries of the project since they’ve been fetching water from the river for their daily use. “I know when the project will be complete in two to three months time students will have a relief, same to residents of this region,” he affirmed.
Makheti said that construction of the Webuye-Mukite road that has been in pathetic condition for long will start soon since it’s been budgeted for and tendering will be done in a week’s time. Makheti was speaking this during the burial of Mama Elina Wanyama in Mwembula village, Sitikho Sub location Bungoma County