Statehouse Spokesperson Kanze Dena has assured residents of Western Kenya that the projects that were pledged or started by the Jubilee government in the region will be done and dusted. Speaking during an interview on West FM on Friday, Dena said there have been challenges that have impeded some projects in the past, mainly the completion of roads, like corruption. She said the government knows the projects and the challenges faced and that they’ll ensure the roads will be completed, urging residents not to despair.
She said landmark gains have been made in the region, including the setting up of one-stop border points at Malaba and Busia, a move which has boosted business, setting up Technical colleges, and the refurbished Rivatex company in Eldoret which will be of benefit to the region because the cotton will be collected from Western. However, she urged Kenyans not to look at the projects as though they are President Uhuru Kenyatta’s projects, but projects for the whole country, “These are not development projects for President Uhuru Kenyatta….when he finishes his term he’ll not depart with them. We’ll still want houses, industries, healthcare,” she noted.
The spokesperson was also keen to expand on the benefits of the affordable housing project under the Big Four Agenda, saying that Western Kenya will also benefit and what remains is securing a piece of land and constructive talks with the respective County governments in the region. She said the project has already taken off in Nairobi, given that it’s a densely populated County, and Ukambani, “We first need to find land.”
On the BBI conundrum, she said Kenyans should be patient with the report. “How can one oppose what we haven’t seen?” she posed, adding that when it will be made public, the content will be geared toward securing the peace of all Kenyans. She said many are giving their views on the report based on their preferences and fears. The BBI task force already completed collecting views and drafting recommendations and what remains is handing the report to the President, before it’s made available to all.