The county of Kakamega had 33.65% candidates scoring C+ and above in the 2015 KCSE, Bungoma 29.79%, Busia 38.58%, Vihiga 37.39% and TransNzoia 36.18%.
Given that the pass mark for the C+ in KCSE is 55 marks out of 100 there is no doubt that all the counties of the former western province and TransNzoia County returned for 2015 very poor pass mark for their results which is below 40 marks.
Is it not right then that indeed the Teachers Service Commission is justified in requiring that heads of primary and secondary schools and their teachers sign performance contracts so that the pathetic standards of education are radically improved?

Why would the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) be opposed to performance contracting for their members who are year in year out short changing our children and parents with mediocre performance of between 29% and 40% of their students scoring above the mean score of C+.
Parents must step forward to push for the immediate implementation of head teachers, teachers and National County Education manager’s performance contracting if they have to get acceptable returns to their investments on education for their children.
Things cannot continue the way they are for the children of the counties of the former western province and TransNzoia County where the majority of their children are being given a raw deal by the education managers being the National Government and the teachers with the parents being on the periphery of the educational matrix.
It is tragic failure for 50,821 candidates from the counties of Kakamega, Bungoma, Busia, Vihiga and TransNzoia out of 77,065 to score grades C and below. Only 26,243 candidates (34.05%) scored C+ and above.
The region must wake up to one reality that without transformation in education and at least over 60% of its children scoring C+ and above, the region will not experience socio-economic transformation to eradicate its industrial scale prevalence of disease, ignorance, and poverty.