As the rainy season sets in, farmers in Tongaren constituency have been urged to plant orange-fleshed sweet potatoes so as to benefit from its nutrients as well as a ready market. Dickson Saenyi, a nutrition officer from the region said the new variety of potato is recommended and that it has vitamins that are needed for the good growth of children and it’s also good for expectant mothers.
The Sub County agriculture officer Shadrack Wasike has said they will always be ready to work with the farmers at the grass root level to ensure they start planting the orange-fleshed potatoes, adding that it also matures after a short period of time.
He also promised to link them to an international market saying they have partnered with other international bodies that are interested in helping the farmers reap more from their produce. He said the link will eliminate brokers.
His sentiments were echoed by the Tongaren Sub County administrator Austin Amboko who said the Bungoma County government is also keen to work with the farmers to have them benefit from their produce, by providing fertilizer.
However, he challenged the youths to take advantage of the fertile land in the area to engage in farming saying it will enable them to cater for their own needs as opposed to waiting for white collar jobs from the government.