As planting season approaches farmers from Trans Nzoia County have got a relief after the county government providing them with 65,000 bags of fertilizer on a low price.
Speaking to residents in Kitale while launching the program of giving subsidized fertilizer to farmers, Governor for Trans Nzoia County Patrick Khaemba said that his government has reduced expenses on the farmers with 60% and assured them that he will make sure to see even that farmers from the villages get the fertilizer.

“In this program we have 35,000 bags of fertilizer to use during planting and 30, 000 bags for top dressing we shall sell each bag at Kshs.1, 900 unlike when you buy from wholesalers or retailers you will find one bag at Kshs. 3,250 therefore as the County government we are catering for over Kshs. 1, 200,”said Khaemba.
Khaemba also noted that the high rate of hunger and poverty in the County is due to the high number of farmers that don’t use advanced farming technology.
“Nowadays a farmer with 10 acres can’t pay school fees for his/ her children this is because of the losses we get through farming, in Tranzoia our farming has gone down, we do farming in losses because about 80% of farmers rely on farming, poverty rate among residents of Transnzoia is about 50% and lack of food is at 60%. Therefore as a county government we have decided to do this as one way of curbing hunger and poverty among our people,” he added.
He also urged farmers to practice advanced farming technology because through this it is when they can realize good harvest.