Police officers in Lugari are holding in custody two KCSE candidates for allegedly engaging in a sexual relationship during this examination period. Confirming the incident Mautuma location chief Mrs. Pamela Davava Kulali said the two were nabbed in a sexual act at Makutano West village in Mukuyu sub location.
She said the male candidate who is a student at Savala secondary school sneaked into Mukuyu Girls secondary school Friday night where he picked his lover and left adding that the boy is a day scholar.
The local administrator said the incident raised concern among other girls at Mukuyu secondary who informed the security and teachers who launched a manhunt for the two lovers.
With the help of administration police officers from Makutano AP camp the two were arrested in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday in the boy’s cottage at Makutano west Township village.
The girl was taken for medical examination where it was confirmed the two had had an affair. By the time of going to press the two were still under police custody at Makutano AP camp waiting for an appropriate punishment against