A resident of Savala village in Marakusi sub location, Lugari Sub County is counting loses after unknown arsonists set on fire a cereal store and a livestock manger.
According to Ms. Miriam Indangasi, the inferno exploded at around 9:45pm as she and her children enjoyed the night slumber.
“I was deep asleep when I was awakened by a strange sound from outside which was followed by a calf moos, when I opened the door I was shocked to find my store and the livestock shed engulfed in a big flame fire,” said Mzee Musonye.
She raised an alarm that attracted attention of neighbours who woke up to help her but efforts to fight the inferno were futile which ended up consuming assorted property which had been stored inside and her dairy cow and a calf.
“Our efforts to try and salvage part of the property inside were thwarted by the fierce inferno and we couldn’t rescue anything,” she added.
However the neighbours managed to control the fire which was spreading to her main house and the kitchen where her three children had slept. She said that her food store may have been set on fire using a highly flammable substance, saying that the tremendous explosion witnessed was a clear evidence