A report released by a non-governmental organization in West Pokot County indicates that politicians in the County during previous government used to change projects prioritized by residents. The report indicated that Members of County Assembly in West Pokot used to change projects based on their political interests.
Speaking during the annual general meeting of Pokot accountability network, the organization secretary Francis Soprin said the past government used to conduct public participation but after residents prioritized the projects they were interchanged.
“Few people participated in public participation to select projects that suit them but after the process, the MCAs changed them to fit their political interests,” he said.
Soprin said this has challenged them to push the current government to come up with a public participation bill to ensure that views of locals are implemented.
“The bill will ensure that residents fully take part in public participation and projects they prioritize are implemented,” he said.
The secretary said they have trained one person from each of the twenty wards in the County to be social auditors to help monitor projects that are set up by both national and County governments.
“Kenyans are being taxed heavily to fund various projects in the country, we need to have people at grass root levels to help monitor the projects if they are being implemented as per the standards,” he said.
He said as an organization they have received threats from various leaders when they monitor projects that they have received reports from social auditors.
Soprin lauded the current government under for equal distribution of the County bursary fund. “All children from the County irrespective of their background have been incorporated in the project,” he said.
Salome Chepkemei, an official of the organization urged both national and County governments to ensure 30% of the tenders set aside for women and youths are given to the target groups. “The two governments should ensure transparency while executing their projects,” he said.